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Solar street lighting system

   Panacee Dental


SmileCare is World class dental clinic, which is specialized in diagnostics and treatment of dental related problems. We are best in the business from last two decades and had won many awards

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Product information

    Solar street lighting system is an ideal lighting system for illumination of streets, squares and cross roads located in areas that are not connected to the power grid. This fully integrated system combines the latest and most innovative technologies available, providing years of convenient and trouble free lighting. Fully assembled and factory tested kits area available.

    Solar has a wide range of Solar Streetlights, for different lighting requirements.

    SUNMAX is the  stand-alone Sreet lighting system of SUNMAX Solar, comprises of one Solar Street light Luminary(SSL) using Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CF Lamp) of 11W as light source, Rechargeable lead acid battery for storage, PV modules for charging the battery, suitable electronics for the operation of the lamp and safe charging and discharging of the battery and mechanical hardware for fixing these subsystems.

    SUNMAX -11,12,15,18 W is available capacity either with automatic dusk to dawn operation or with a per-set timer.Mode


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